An NHS and charity consortium has been named as the new provider of drug and alcohol services in Doncaster
The service aims to help those with drug and alcohol problems recover from these serious addictions. It will cover all aspects of drug and alcohol interventions including 24/7 care and support, needle exchange, prescribing, structured day care, recovery and aftercare support, as well as inpatient detoxification and access to residential rehabilitation.
The contract has been awarded to Aspire, a partnership organisation set up by existing provider Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) and registered charity The Alcohol & Drug Service (ADS), following a tender process by Doncaster Council’s Public Health team.
Aspire will deliver the service from April 2016 until the end of March 2020 with an option to extend for a further two full years.
RDaSH Chief Executive Kathryn Singh said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this contract with ADS.
“They are a longstanding valued partner of over 13 years and our Aspire partnership model uniquely brings the best of the NHS and charitable sectors together in supporting people with drug and alcohol problems to beat their addictions, and go on to successfully lead fulfilling, independent lives within their communities.”
ADS Chief Executive Tim Young said: “We believe community reintegration is key to sustainable recovery and pride ourselves on being innovative and forward thinking.
“There is a thriving recovery community in Doncaster and we look forward to providing flexible, responsive services, which offer all service users and their families the best possible recovery outcomes.”
Councillor Pat Knight, Cabinet member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: “At any one time almost 2,500 people in Doncaster are dependent on opiates or crack, and 5,500 people are dependent on alcohol. It is important that we can offer people a route out of dependence as that will improve their own health as well as the health of their families, reduce crime, unemployment and welfare dependency.”