People who use Doncaster’s Drug and Alcohol Services are invited to an information event at Doncaster Museum to find out how the services are set to change when a new service provider takes over on 1 April.
Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service, which is a partnership organisation set up by existing provider Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) and registered charity The Alcohol & Drug Service (ADS), was named as the new provider in September 2015, following a tender process by Doncaster Council’s Public Health. It will deliver the service from April 2016 until the end of March 2020, with an option to extend for a further two full years.
The event at the museum on Chequer Road runs from 10.30am to 3.30pm and aims to share with current service users and their families, how the service plans to continue to support people with drug and alcohol problems – and their families – to beat their addictions, and go on to successfully lead fulfilling, independent lives within their communities.
Aspire Service Manager Stuart Green said: “Doncaster has some of the best drug and alcohol services in the country.
“This event is an opportunity for people to meet our team, hear about our exciting plans for the future and find out how our new service model will work to support people in the community.”
“People are invited to drop in during the day and we hope as many as possible will join us to find out more.”
Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service will provide all aspects of drug and alcohol interventions in Doncaster, including 24/7 care and support, needle exchange, prescribing, structured day care, recovery and aftercare support, as well as inpatient detoxification and access to residential rehabilitation.
For more information about the event, or a confidential chat about drug or alcohol issues, please ring (01302) 730956.
Please download the agenda here