Around 600 competitors in 44 teams are set to take part in the fifth annual Recovery Games in Hatfield on Friday August 17.
The event at Hatfield Activity Centre, Hatfield Marina in Doncaster is being held to celebrate wellbeing and recovery from drug and alcohol dependence by Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service, which is run by Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) in partnership with registered charity The Alcohol and Drug Service (ADS).
Service users, volunteers and staff from Aspire, ADS and RDaSH work together in teams of eight to 10 people and compete in Gladiator-style events and obstacle courses – over land and in water – against other teams from services across the region.
As well as the games, health professionals will be on hand for help and advice, along with motivational speakers, fun activities for families, children and friends, and much more.
Neil Firbank, Aspire Senior Day Programme Lead, said: “It’s a fun-filled event for competitors and spectators alike – and this year it’s going to be bigger and better than ever, so we hope as many local people will come along to support us!”
The first rounds kick off at 10am, followed by a festival of colours during the lunch break at 12.30pm, which will be a free-flowing for participants to dance, chase and generally get messy with dry multi-coloured powder paints. The all-important final will take place at around 4.30pm.
Stuart Green, Aspire Service Manager, said: “These games celebrate the amazing achievements of people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction – and they are entirely funded from donations and micro grants. A massive thank you to all the people who have run races, walked miles and climbed mountains to raise funds and to the many organisations who have supported us.”
If you or someone you know is experiencing drug or alcohol issues and want to talk to someone in confidence please visit Aspire’s live chat at:, or ring 01302 730956.