Recovery Games celebrates success

The fifth annual Recovery Games which celebrates people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction took place at Hatfield Activity Centre in Doncaster on August 17th

The event was attended by over 600 people from across the UK, competing together in gladiator style games and obstacle races, to raise awareness that recovery from substance misuse is possible with right support in place.

Event organiser for Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service Neil Firbank said: “This year’s games were the biggest and best yet with the recovery community being stronger and more vibrant than ever. The event is about letting people know that recovery is alive and being nurtured in many towns across the region and UK. Thank you to everyone who took part and supported this amazing event.”

The winners of the Best Themed Team on the day was the Flintstones ‘Bed Rocks’ from New Beginnings, a Doncaster-based specialist detox and rehabilitation unit.  The overall winners of the Recovery Games were Reflections a team which provides rehab and residential centre for recovery in Castleford.

The event was funded from donations and raised an amazing £750 on the day, £400 of which was donated from a sponsored Iron Man 5k swim around the Hatfield Lake.

Stuart Green, Aspire Service Manager, said: “Once again it’s been a fantastic day excelling all expectations with hundreds of people coming together celebrating and applauding those in recovery from an addiction. The event has become a recognised milestone in the recovery calendar. It sees people with different addictions and health conditions come together, connect, give and learn new skills but most importantly have fun without the need for substances.”

Tim Young, Chief Executive of the Alcohol and Drug Service in North Lincolnshire, said: “The Recovery Games is a great day of celebration which this year included a minutes silence to remember those who did not make it.  A day of powerful images and emotions the games brings people together making connections and reinforcing the message that recovery is possible, and fun!”

Joining the crowds and adding their support to the competitors were the Civic Mayor of Doncaster Councillor Majid Khan, North Lincolnshire Deputy Mayor Councillor John Briggs, Rotherham Deputy Mayor Councillor Jenny Andrews and Rotherham Deputy Mayoress Councillor Jeanette Mallinder.

The Recovery Games is an annual event organised by Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service which is run by Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with registered charity The Alcohol and Drug Service.

All the action from this year’s Recovery Games has been captured in this video at:​  

If you know of someone or you are struggling with a drug and/or alcohol problem please visit the Aspire website at

Best themed team ‘Bed Rock’ from New Beginnings
Best themed team ‘Bed Rock’ from New Beginnings
Overall winners Reflections from Castleford
Overall winners Reflections from Castleford