Recovery Games looking for sponsors

A drug and alcohol service which supports people to recover from substance misuse is looking for sponsors to help stage its fifth annual Recovery Games.

Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service originally organised the games as a platform to change attitudes, challenge stigma and celebrate the value of recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction, along with fun activities for families, children and friends. But year on year the event has grown into a wider community celebration, and in 2017 over 600 people visited Hatfield Marina to take part in the event, which rounded off with a ‘colour run’ style powder paint celebration .

The games feature a Gladiator-style inflatable assault course, along with water and climbing challenges, where groups of approximately 10 take part in trials throughout the day, with a final obstacle race to decide the winning team.

Aspire Service Manager Stuart Green said: “Feeling a part of the community in which they live is an important part of someone’s ability to sustain recovery and to thrive.

“Over the past five years our games have developed from a key date in the recovery calendar to become a fantastic opportunity for people from across the wider community to come together and join in, and we’re extremely proud of the success they have become.

“However, staging such an event comes at a cost, so we’re appealing for donations and support – no matter how small – to enable us to deliver this year’s event.”

2017 Recovery Games colour blast celebration.

Aspire, which is a partnership organisation set up by Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) and registered charity The Alcohol & Drug Service (ADS) needs to raise £10,000 in order to secure the future of the Recovery Games for 2018.

ADS Chief Executive Tim Young said: “We hope we can secure funding so the Recovery Games can continue to strengthen communities across the borough and beyond by providing an event for people to come together and have a fun day out whatever their age, background or ability.”

Anyone interested in fundraising or making a donation can visit:

Organisations interested in providing sponsorship can contact Stuart Green on phone 01302 303900 or email at [email protected] There’s also a chance to view a short YouTube video of the 2017 Recovery Games at

To talk to someone in confidence about drug or alcohol issues, please ring 01302 730956.